Last updated: 21 May 2024

Next review: 4 October 2024

Applied general qualifications are for students who want a broad study of a specific vocational area. They cover a wide range of subject areas, from applied science, business, and health and social care, to accountancy and horticulture. Examples include: some Pearson BTEC and some Cambridge Technical, WJEC Diploma, AQA Certificate, NCFE Applied and many others.

Duration: 2 years

Start date: September

Assessment: Course work and exams

Level of study: Level 3

Where will I study: School sixth form, sixth form college, further education college

Entry requirements: 5 GCSEs at grades 4 to 9

Work experience: Course dependent

Awards UCAS points: Yes

What does it leads to: University/college, higher level or degree apprenticeship, work

Find out more: For more detailed information about Applied General qualifications visit the career pilot website.

For a full list of qualifications, discount codes and point scores visit the GOV.UK website.

How to apply: Go to individual school sixth form and college websites.  Search for courses on the National careers service website.